Thursday, July 31, 2014

Tweaking. And More Tweaking

I can gain or lose five pounds at the drop of a hat. It doesn't matter - I can have water weight and swell up, or I can walk a little and lose. Folks with 'economy sized' powers are known for gaining and losing with relative impunity. I had a doctor's appointment today about sleep apnea.

Basically, the doc said to me that everything that troubles me is pretty much directly related to my weight and if I drop some of the weight I'll be better off for it. I agreed with him, and sort of nodded while he suggested a book to me, "Body for Life" which is apparently written by this normal dude who writes in plain English.

I didn't tell him that I can write those types of books and that I write nonfiction books for a living. I just smiled and nodded, because I knew that he was going to harp on the fact that I'm a large person. Frankly, one of these days I'm going to go 'REALLY? I weighed 120 this morning! WTF!??' and see what their response is.

But, the fact that I've been gradually gaining weight on the new scale that we have is rather troubling. I know, it doesn't count until I weigh myself next Monday -- and the weight to beat is 370. I'm pretty sure that I can come up with a little somethin somethin to get me into the 367 zone.

I'm going to tweak the system just a hair and stay away from food after 8pm. Very little good can come of that, and it sets my body into the 'angry land' when I first wake up because I feel that my blood sugar might be low. I'll have to be more mindful of where I am. Tweaking and more tweaking. I WILL reach 100 lost by the end of the year, just so I have to write the book. :)

Lowered carbs. Some movement. We're gonna be good.

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