Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Carb Events and Weight Loss for the Super Morbidly Obese

I have eaten a ton of carbs in the past five days. Like upwards of 250 grams. We're talking about slipping back into my old patterns, praying that I'm still going to show a loss when I get to the doc's tomorrow. While I'll happily take full responsibility for eating them, I started to think about carb events and how it's the little things on the plate which can lead to the most trouble.

Let's take a couple of days ago as an example.

The biggest meal that I had was around 120 grams of carbs. It was 2 pieces of cornbread, mashed potatoes and gravy, breaded and fried pork chops, green beans, and cole slaw. Out of the 5 menu items, 3 of them were high in carbohydrates. Removing those would have left me with simply green beans and cole slaw.

But this was a carb choice. A carb event. I could have said no to the cornbread, chosen a different side item, or chosen a different meat and the meal would have been much more heart healthy. I was presented with a carb event and failed. Just like there are so many that are presented with chips at Mexican restaurants or those 'chips' at Chinese restaurants.

That's the point. We always have the choice over whether we're going to eat more carbs. It starts with the shopping when you're cooking at home, with the restaurant you pick when you go out. Carb events don't have to be like the all syrup super squishee bender from the Simpsons. In fact, if the right decisions are made, you get a LOT more reward.

4 Ways to Reduce Carb Events and Lose Weight

1. Just say no
Yeah, I get it. The chips and salsa are the best part of the meal. The little crunchy noodles that come with every Chinese meal are pretty hard to give up, too. Saying no the first time will stop you from having sixteen billion carb events while you're at the restaurant.

2. Prepare snacks in advance
When I am hungry, I make the worst food decisions. I want it fast and easy. I don't want to have to think about my carb intake when I'm trying to beat the hunger. When I'm hungry, it honestly doesn't matter whether I'm eating a salad or a few shots of maple syrup - it's got to be ready and there. It's pretty inevitable that hunger happens, so why not make some low-carb stuff in advance? Spreadable cheese and cucumbers are amazing together, surprisingly enough

3. Drink a Big Ol' Honkin Glass of Water
When I was trying to stop smoking, I substituted cigarettes for QT ice. They've got crushed ice that's just the right cube size - it crunches and doesn't melt too fast. Big honkin glasses of water fill your tummy and psych it into thinking that you might be giving it some real food soon enough. It'll curb that carb event for just a few minutes, time enough to get your bearings and make the best decision for yourself.

4. Make It Harder To Have A Carb Event
This one starts at the store. Avoiding the aisles with the junk in the first place will help you when you're at home. Remember that whole thing about easy food? If the easiest food that you've got in the house is salad, then you're most likely to eat the salad. By the same token, if the easiest food around is a candy bar, then it's the candy bar that wins.

One of my friends says that weight loss is a battle for every half pound. He's reached the point where he's eating a consistently low-carb diet and having to supplement it with exercise. I wish him and everybody who's trying to lose weight all the best. It CAN be done.

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