Friday, July 18, 2014

Revelations and Delights

I was admitted to the hospital on May 3, 2014 for cellulitis. I was the largest that I'd ever been, weighing over 400 pounds. 417.2. I literally had to be lifted out of the tub by paramedics since I couldn't get out of it myself. I was in pain, embarrassed, angry, and super obese. I call it economy sized, but it's really true that your fat grows fat when you're that big. It's not a good size.

I was released on Memorial Day, and I swore that things would be different. You don't know what it's like to be weighed by a hoist. If you do, you probably understand why I have NO desire to go back there. Discoveries were made at the hospital.

I have a pelvic lesion. We don't know how it got there, but it's pretty stable and not a cause for concern.
I am diabetic. It's been proven that stress causes blood sugar to rise, but I'm on a diabetic regimen.
Lasix is a diuretic, and it is God's gift to those with edema.
Blood sugar is a crazy thing, and pretty much seems like a crap shoot.
My insurance company rawks.

Those are just a few of them, right off the top of my head. It's been 2 months since I left the hospital. I've lost about 50 pounds and I feel much better. Maybe I'll write a book about how I lost weight with diuretics and diet. Who knows?

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