Saturday, July 19, 2014

Fattest Woman in the World

Donna Simpson wants to be the fattest woman in the world. She's pushing herself to eat 12,000 calories a day, spending around $750 a week on groceries. In the video (shown below) she says that she was curious to find out what it's like to be 700, 800, 1000 pounds. And she's gradually getting closer to her goal.

She claims that she's often asked if she's worried about dying from her weight. Her response was essentially, 'everyone will go when it's their time to go.' While everybody *does* die when they die, I have to assume that pushing the process along by becoming super morbidly obese doesn't help the process much. The general public is not privy to the book of lifespan (though certain methods of astrology are disturbingly accurate) so who's to say that she hasn't signed her own death warrant?

What bothers me more about this story is that her doctor boyfriend is on board and supportive of Ms. Simpson in her goal. I assume that there are things that I'm not seeing. At the outset, I see a man who's pledged himself to healing others intentionally getting into a relationship with a woman who is determined to spectacularly self-destruct. He and Donna have said that while he supports her, neither of them want the kids to follow in their footsteps. So, it's a grand experiment just to see if she can?

When she reaches 1000 pounds, will she stop and try to lose the weight to get down to a svelte 500 again? I know, it's like the Tootsie Pop commercial - the world may never know. Certainly, she has to be suffering some ill effects from the weight gain.

Fat robs you of certain activities, things you never really thought about until they're not on the table anymore.

Let's look at a simple one: touching your toes. Touching your toes doesn't seem like something that is really high on the list, but it's an important skill when you need to retie your shoes. It's also an important skill if you're being social and playing minigolf. There was a time that I didn't want to embarrass myself by going bowling and have to wrestle with putting on the goofy shoes THEN bend down a bunch and put the ball into the alley.

You have to adjust to being fat. You have to find new ways to clean yourself off after nature calls. You have to think about movement rather than just doing it. When you push your body to do things, it doesn't allow you to get very far before it reminds you that there is fat in the way. That is just where I am - I don't want to imagine myself at twice my size or three times my size. While I would relish not being the fattest one in the room, I don't wish being that big on anyone.

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