Monday, July 28, 2014

8 Benefits of Drinking Water and the Third Rule

There are two rules to my diet:

Keep carbs under 120g
Stand up / walk / do something for 20 minutes

I've got edema, so I've been taking a diuretic. That has shuffled off a lot of the water weight that I've been holding in my legs, knees, and calves. I'm sure that some of the nearly 50 pounds that I've dropped were a result of the Lasix.

I'm going to add a third rule to the diet. This is partially because I believe in the power of 3, but mostly because it makes sense. Drink at least 64 ounces of water each day.

My water drinking habits are atrocious. I drink maybe 8 ounces a day, if I'm lucky. Most of my water comes through drinking diet sodas and most recently seltzer water.

Water is what's missing. It also gives me another data point to work with on my quest to lose weight. I've got a calendar in my room where I track the 20 minutes of 'something.'

What are the benefits of drinking water?

1. Gives you an energy boost - Your brain needs water to function. Most of us are dehydrated, so the brain isn't always operating to its fullest. More water = more cycles = more thinky stuff.

2. Water Helps with Movement - Basically, water's a great lubricant (yeah, a no brainer) on the inside as well as the outside. A bit of water can keep your joints and muscles moving at their optimum potential.

3. Makes Your Skin Feel Resilient - Seriously, when I'm drinking water I feel like my skin is supple and that I'm 20 years old again. My skin feels smooth, beautiful, and wonderful.

4. Keeps you out of the hospital - That's something that all of us need. I don't want to be in the hospital again - for cellulitis or anything remotely related. Water naturally boosts the immune system, turning you from ordinary into Superman!

5. Prevents Headaches - The reason that we get headaches is because our brain is dehydrated. Drink more water, and you're less dehydrated and don't get headaches. It's that simple.

6. Pushes out the junk - Water collects all of the junk in your body and takes it on a grand adventure through your urinary tract or through your intestines. It makes the perfect escort, all the while reducing the incidence of kidney stones.

7. Helps Drop the Weight - Water takes up space if you drink it before a meal, it takes the toxins out of your body, doesn't have any calories, and gives you a bit more energy. I see water as that chatty aunt who loves everyone.

8. Water Gives You an Attitude Adjustment - Water makes me feel like I'm on top of the world. I just want to bounce in place, run around, and otherwise seize the day.

So, I'm going to be keeping track of the water drinking on the calendar that I've got up on the wall. I am also going to put it on the spreadsheet where I keep track of my blood sugar and what I eat. Yes, I like minding the data, but I don't have a cool graphy program yet to make it totally geek-tacular. Soon enough, though. :)

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