Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The One Thing I Admire About Trump

Blame. Retribution. Anger. Scorched Earth.

Burn it to the ground.  Scream at it until it complies. Blame someone else. Avoid responsibility at all costs. Lie. Punch it. Kick it. Lose all rational sense of self. Make someone or something HURT for your own frustration.

None of these responses produce favorable long-term results.

There’s a part in all of us that wants the childish first response to be the best response.  There’s a part which yearns to have the lies believed, the blame shifted, the punches landed.  Under very specific circumstances, it works.


The only time that I was hit by a boy was when I was growing up. I deserved it. No, really I did.  I threw sand in his face.  He punched me in the nose, bloodying it. Our frustration with each other vanished as the trickle of red ran from my nostril. We were both surprised.

And, as we went back to our homes, we made plans to hang out again the next day. Bikes. Army men. Something less dangerous.

I was of the age and era where my mother’s response to seeing the blood on my face was, ‘what happened? What did you do?’ She toweled me off and made sure that there was no ‘structural’ damage as she listened to my story amid the sobs (really, having your nose shifted like that hurts like a SOB).

We concluded that in the future I shouldn’t throw sand in people’s faces. The consequences were swift and just. In my opinion and in the opinion of the authority figures around me, it was a proportional response.  One that was never spoken of again because the lesson had been learned.


One punch solved the problem. It was learning through pain.

Do I think that it would ever work again? No.

This is one of the reasons that I am amazed at Trump. He blames. He incites anger.  He frustrates. He kicks. He screams. He throws tantrums. He bullies. And through all of that, the people love him. He is the living, breathing embodiment of the first response.

In his mind, he can do no wrong. He’s got the money. He’s got the beautiful wife. He’s got the beautiful house. He’s got the power.  By the definitions of many, he’s a success. He can literally say anything he wants, no matter how outlandish, and someone will believe him.

Maybe there’s a group of people out there who feel that, deep down to their cores, by following Trump some of the ‘magic’ from him will wear off on them.  That they, too, will be able to say some of the most heinous things, be called to task on it, and NOT CARE about the consequences. Trump does, despite (and perhaps to spite) it all, persist.

Yes, he does represent a different kind of candidate for the Republican party.  Yes.  He should not be voted into office under any circumstance.  But, as far as the no f* given? In some ways, that’s admirable. If only that power of persistence was used to promote something other than the first response of blame, anger, and avoidance of responsibility. 

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